Here is a list of the most important things to remember when preparing a CSV file for uploading entries. You can find all details related to importing CSV files in the Add athletes from a CSV file guide.

  • For words, only the first letter should be in uppercase,
  • Correct CountryCode, all of it in uppercase,
  • Correct event name in English or EventCode,
  • All cells empty below the last athlete on the list,
  • Unique EntryId for each line,
  • Correct EventStage,
  • DateofBirth in the proper format (YYYY-MM-DD),
  • No empty AgeGroup field (appropriate one or Auto),
  • If a relay event is present, add a RelayId,
  • Save the file in the UTF-8 CSV format,
  • No need to add a StartListId (if you import individual events only),
  • If using the column FullName, you should add first name + last name and not the opposite.
  • Do not add Unattached (or similar wording) to the ClubName or TeamName columns. The field should be empty if an athlete or relay team has no club/team.