Once your organization/organisation has set up a Stripe payments processing account for Roster registration, you are ready to enable registrations for your meet/meeting and accept participant payments.

For information on how to enable a Stripe account, please see the Organizers/Organisers: Enabling Stripe account user guide.

This guide is organized/organised as follows:

Getting started

This guide assumes you are familiar with setting up a meet/meeting within the Roster admin platform. If you are not familiar with this, please refer to the Create a meeting set of user guides with detailed instructions.

Upon enabling your Stripe account, you will be able to toggle the MEETS/MEETINGS → DetailsGeneral → Registration field from Disabled to Enabled for any meet/meeting within your organizational/organisational domain.

After enabling this field, a REGISTRATION section with five menu icons will appear on the far left-hand side blue column: registration Registration setup, Products & add-ons, Management - events, Management - products & add-ons and Management - meet/meeting fees.

Please note: once registration is enabled for your meet/meeting, it cannot be disabled.

On the Details page are a few other fields that can be important regarding registration.

Licence/License verification

Under MEETS/MEETINGS → Details → Country-specific options, you will find a Licence/License verification field that allows you to select the appropriate licence/license requirement setting for this meet/meeting.

Please note: this feature is currently available only if the country is set to England, Wales, or the United Kingdom. The system will not check an athlete (for a valid licence/license) under 11 years of age on the day of the competition.

  • Strict - athletes will be required to have a valid licence/license number.
  • Allow foreign (licence/license is required for home athletes) - England and Wales athletes will be required to have their active licence/license number as part of the registration process. Foreign athletes not from England and Wales are allowed to register without a licence/license.
  • None - no licence/license requirement is in place. 

England and Wales athletes' licence/license number is automatically verified with the Trinity database for validation.

Please note: once this field is set during meet/meeting set up, it can only be changed to a more relaxed option. Thus Strict can be changed to either Allow foreign or None, and Allow foreign can only be changed to None.

Age group verification

Under MEETS/MEETINGS → Details → Country-specific options, you will also find an Age group verification field that allows you to set enforcement of age group events for your meet/meeting. The options are:

  • None - no age group sign-up restrictions, thus any participant can sign up for any age group event,
  • Regular - participant's own age group; if in a masters age group - only own age group or in a younger age group; if in a youth age group - only own age group or in an older age group,
  • Strict - athlete's own group or Senior only age groups.

Registration setup

Once you have added events to your meet/meeting, press the REGISTRATIONRegistration setup, which will bring you to the main page that controls the parameters for configuring your registration set-up.

The set-up view lists all events or sets of events grouped by gender. Next to each event are the following columns that detail a number of configuration options for that event:

  • Age group - the age group for that event (to set up multiple age groups for your meet/meeting, please refer to the Setting up multiple age group events user guide).
  • Max athletes - the maximum number of athletes allowed to register for that event. Please note that if the max number has been reached AND automatic approval is enabled, any additional athletes that sign up will automatically be moved to the wait list until the organizer/organiser decides to approve or reject their participation.
  • Price - the price in your currency (see below) for each event to be paid by every participant in your meet/meeting. The price includes all processing fees (payment processing and Roster) and VAT/tax (if enabled) for each registration payment.
  • Qualification standard - this sets the qualification standard marks that must be met by the participant for this event prior to being accepted. To use the qualification standard feature for registration, it must be first enabled in the Fees & defaults section described below.
  • State - the state of each event, visible in the public registration view.
    • Pending - initial state, not yet open to public registration.
    • Open - registration is open for sign-ups.
    • Closed - registration is closed and not open to any more sign-ups.
    • Excluded - these events will not have public registration (e.g. "Invitational Mile"). The organizer/organiser will manually add athletes to the start list. These events and participants are still visible in the public view.

Meet/Meeting options

The meet/meeting options include the following:

  • Registration visibility
    • Draft (not visible to the public) - registration is not yet open to the public.
    • Published (publicly visible) - registration is open and visible to the public.
  • Registration deadline - Date
  • Registration deadline - Time
  • Currency - select the appropriate currency for your country. Please note: it is highly recommended to select the native currency for your organization/organisation to avoid added currency exchange charges if selecting another currency.
  • VAT - choice of including appropriate VAT/tax amount in registration payments.
    • Enabled (xx %) - include appropriate VAT/tax amount for your geographical region on each participation payment transaction.
    • Disabled - do not include VAT/tax on each participation payment transaction.
  • Total fee - total processing fee for each transaction which includes payment processing and Roster fees.
  • Automatically approve all registrations
    • Disable - manually approve all participants before they pay.
    • Enable - automatically approve all participants as they sign up, from which they will be allowed to pay and join the start lists.
  • Registrants are required to provide BIBs for participants
    • Disable - no option to add a BIB by registrant.
    • Enable - registrants can manually enter their participant's BIB when registering for the event.

Please note: once you have changed the Registration visibility from Draft (not visible to public) to Published (publicly visible), you will not be able to change the Currency value, VAT/tax enablement, or Terms & Conditions and Anti-doping Declaration documents (see below under Documents).

Fees & defaults

  • Qualification standard verification
    • Open - do not use a qualifying mark as a registration acceptance criteria.
    • Strict - use a qualifying mark as a registration acceptance criteria.
  • Qualification standard record
    • Season best - use a season best mark as the qualifying registration criteria.
    • Personal best - use a personal best mark as the qualifying registration criteria.
  • Max athletes per event - the maximum number of athletes for each event. Please note that if the max number has been reached AND automatic approval is enabled, any additional athletes that sign up will automatically be moved to the wait list until the organizer/organiser decides to approve or reject their participation.
  • Price per event - the default price in your currency for the amount charged to each participant in each event, which includes all processing fees and VAT/tax (if enabled). The price can be individually adjusted subsequently for each event.
  • Meet/Meeting fee - the price in your currency for the amount charged to each participant regardless of the number of events they want to register, which includes all processing fees and VAT/tax (if enabled). This is for organizers/organisers that wish to use a meet/meeting participant fee for each athlete, in addition to or in lieu of setting a fee for each event entered. 
  • Meet/Meeting fee refundable
    • Enable - allows users to request a refund after refunding all event fees (if any).
    • Disable - do not allow users to request a meet/meeting fee refund.
  • Relays pay meet/meeting fee
    • Enable - all relays must pay a meet/meeting fee and potential event fee (if any).
    • Disable - relays do not have to pay a meet/meeting fee.

Please note: If a meet/meeting fee is greater than 0 and the price for the event is greater than 0, the sum of fees for the participation will be meet/meeting fee + event price. If the participant wants to register for two or more events, the sum will be meet/meeting fee + event no. 1 price + event no. 2 price, and so on.

Read more about the meet/meeting fee in the Organizers/Organisers: Meet/Meeting fees guide.

Event defaults as Max athletes per event, and Price per event can be changed and applied to all or multiple events as a quick way to adjust the price or number of athletes across the board.

To use the event defaults, select the desired events by clicking on the appropriate checkboxes or the select-all checkbox at the very top. A pair of buttons will appear at the bottom of the page, including Apply defaults to selection. Press this button to apply the adjusted default values and save.

To quickly adjust the state of all or multiple events, select the events, press the Modify selection button and choose Open selected, Close selected, or Excluded selected, and save to apply.

Please note: ALL of the following must be enabled for public registration to be open for the selected events:

  1. MEETS/MEETINGS → DetailsGeneral → Meet/Meeting status must be set to Open.
  2. REGISTRATION Registration setup → Meet/Meeting options → Registration visibility must be set to Published (publicly available).
  3. REGISTRATION Registration setup → Event State must be set to Open (for each event).


The Documents section provides the ability to upload documents that may be relevant for participants in your meet/meeting. Options to upload are:

  • Terms & Conditions PDF that you require your participants to provide consent upon sign-up. 
  • Anti-doping Declaration PDF that you require your participants to provide consent upon sign-up.
  • Meeting information PDF where you can upload any relevant meet/meeting information you choose. This document can be uploaded and changed at any time.

Please note: once Meet/Meeting options Registration visibility is changed from Draft to Publicly visible and saved, the Terms & Conditions and Anti-doping Declaration documents cannot be further uploaded or changed.


Under the Notifications view, you can decide who will receive email notifications related to registration events (such as messages from participants, refund requests or registrations needing approval).

By default, only the meet/meeting creator will receive e-mail notifications. To add a new user, select the person(s) from the list and click the Add button. Remember, only users with Update permission for this meet/meeting can be selected from the list. Read more about permissions in the Permission to edit a meet/meeting guide.