If an event includes at least two groups at the same stage for the same age group (e.g., two 100m heats for seniors), you will see a special view with a summary (for start lists and results).

The summary group collects and sorts results from all groups automatically. However, you can manually edit places if you disable the Calculate places under the Automatic calculations option.


If you set advancement rules in the Schedule settings (for more information, see the Set schedule guide), Q and q marks will appear automatically. You can manually edit advancements if you disable the Calculate advancements under options.

Please note: enabling or disabling the automatic calculations applies to all groups of a given event stage.

After adding all results for all groups and marking them as finished, the summary results will be marked as finished automatically. This will also trigger any individual or team competition points calculations for this event if the competitions are enabled.

In the summary, you will now find two timestamps for (i) the last entered result (Last change); and (ii) when the last group of the stage is marked finished (Marked finished). This information can be used to determine a potential deadline for a protest. The timestamp happens when the information has been made public (i.e., saved on the server) and not when it is either entered in the Meet Mgmt app in offline mode or typed down on a paper scoresheet.

Please note: once you click on the FINISHED trigger, you cannot undo this step.